We, Kaal Ayuveni Chiefdom
Kaal Ayuveni (The Chiefdom of Ayuveni) is one of the many Chiefdoms under the Alur Kingdom headed by the King His Majesty Rwoth Ubimu Philip Edgar Olarker Rauni III. The Chiefdom has a population of slightly over 5,000 people from 16 sub-clans.
The power and functions of the Chiefdom is governed by the Chief who is assisted by the Chiefdom Executives who guide and drive the Chiefdom towards its Mission and Objectives to foster growth and cultural development in the area.
The current Chief of Kaal Ayuveni is Rwoth (Chief) Uledhire II and the Head of the Chiefdom Council of Executive is Jadipu (Prime Minister) Prince Sanctus Pitic Openja.