
The Chiefdom main activity is agriculture mainly crop growing of coffee , tea, maize, beans, millet, sorghum, cassava, groundnuts, simsim, and both irish and sweet potatoes as well as animal husbandry like cows, goats and sheep.  Local poultry is also found in the Chiefdom. The area is very fertile and rich for agriculture.  All crops are grown without the use of fertilizers. 

The Chiefdom aims to encourage its farmers to adopt the modern method of farming through climate smart agriculture where seasonal crops such as tomatoes, cabbages, cauliflowers, carrots etc … are grown thus promoting food security and generating income for both the community and the Chiefdom.  Peasants are being encouraged to make us of agricultural implements and to aim at becoming commercial farmers.  The Chiefdom hopes to send some of its farmers for training to acquire new techniques of farming without undermining the organic growing of their crops. 

New Cash Crops

The Chiefdom aims to also start finding markets that attract better prices for its farmers.  The Chiefdom hopes with donor support, it will be able to build silos and food stores to keep excess food.  As part of sustainable environment, the Chiefdom encourages the planting of trees.  The Youths of the Chiefdom recently planted over 3000 pine trees.  The Chiefdom intents to encourage each family to plant at least no less than 10 trees within their compound.  The Chiefdom hopes to achieve this project through the support of the government, donors, international NGOs, Embassies, business community, friends and well-wishers.

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