Be part of history by bringing change to the people of Kaal Ayuveni. Your contribution to the Chiefdom shall be appreciated by every child, mother, woman, the youths and the elderly of the Chiefdom. No amount of contribution is little.
Why Give?
What you may think is little can make a big difference in a child in Kaal Ayuveni through the buying of scholarstic requirements, paying of school fees, buying of medicine etc…
We believe in strong accountability for every support that we receive. We also encourage Volunteers to work in the Chiefdom in the areas of health and Sanitation, Agriculture, Environment and working with the youths.
Make a Difference
Show your generosity by contributing to the cause of Kaal Ayuveni. You can wire transfer into our bank accounts or click on the donate now button to make online donation.
The Chiefdom operates two Bank Accounts at Diamond Trust Bank, Arua Branch.
Account N0: UGX 0128008001.
Account Type: CUCLUG
Account No: USD 0128008002.
Account Type: CUCLUS
Show Your Generosity
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.